For much of our nation's history, invoking "states' rights" has meant opposing the federal government's efforts to abolish slavery and enforce racial desegregation, and supporting state laws that discriminate against various ethnic, religious, or other minority groups. But there's more to the history of states' rights, and there's a growing movement to invoke states' rights to defend a progressive agenda in the years ahead from the threat of a hostile federal government. Tune in to learn more.
Special Guests:
- Jessica Bulman-Pozen, Betts Professor of Law and faculty co-director of the Center for Constitutional Governance at Columbia Law School
- Molly Curren Rowles, Executive Director ACLU of Maine
- Lucy Hochschartner, Climate & Clean Energy Director, Maine Conservation Voters
Learn more here.
Tune into the broadcast at 4:00 p.m., Friday, January 17, on WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, streaming at If you miss the broadcast, check back here for the audio archive. Subscribe to our podcast: iTunes | iOS | Android | RSS | Feed | Instructions.
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