Corporate Contribution Ban Phonebank

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The Veterans & Legal Affairs (VLA) Committee will hold a public hearing for LD 1417, our Corporate Contribution Ban, on Monday, April 26th! So now is the time for these committee members to hear from their constituents in support of the bill.

The Veterans & Legal Affairs (VLA) Committee will hold a public hearing for LD 1417, our Corporate Contribution Ban, on Monday, April 26th! So now is the time for these committee members to hear from their constituents in support of the bill.

Help us call League members who live in districts with a legislator on the Veterans & Legal Affairs Committee to invite them to contact their lawmaker about the Corporate Contribution Ban! We'll provide information for you to share with interested contacts, no other training necessary.

Apr 22nd, 2021 from  5:00 PM to  6:00 PM
Hosted On Zoom
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