Neighbor to Neighbor for Presque Isle

 Registration is closed for this event
Sign up to knock on some doors in Presque Isle! Our Neighbor to Neighbor canvass reaches out to voters where they are.

Sign up to knock on some doors in Presque Isle! Our Neighbor to Neighbor canvass reaches out to voters where they are. We help people register to vote, answer their questions about how the process works, talk about upcoming elections or events, and leave them with more information about how to vote in Maine. 

Neighbor to Neighbor is designed to help us connect with people who face the most barriers to voting. Whether or not you've ever knocked on a door, you can sign up for a 3-hour shift to invite some folks to participate in democracy! We'll train you. Register for this event and we'll be in touch to talk about which shift you want, morning or afternoon. 

Oct 1st, 2022 from  9:00 AM to  5:00 PM
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